Backyard Rewilding Through Our Conservation Landscape Certificate Program

Transform your yard into a thriving wildlife sanctuary!

The climate challenges we face today can seem overwhelming, but there's a way you can make a direct impact on wildlife habitat and ecosystem preservation right from your own backyard. Preserving functional ecosystems is crucial for maintaining our planet's life support systems. Rewilding is the process of restoring natural ecosystems to support biodiversity.

Humans have modified over 80% of natural landscapes and scientists tell us we need to preserve at least 50% of nature to prevent massive biodiversity losses. Doug Tallamy's "Nature's Best Hope" concept suggests that individual actions in our own spaces can collectively make a significant difference.

Our Backyard Rewilding Program, in collaboration with Maine Soil & Water Conservation Districts, offers a voluntary certification process to guide you in transforming your property into a wildlife-friendly habitat.

How Our Conservation Landscape Certificate (CLC) Program Works

The Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District (HCSWCD) is integrating the Backyard Rewilding concept into a free, volunteer Landscape Conservation Certificate program, Here’s how it works:

  • HCSWCD staff provide one-on-one guidance on ways to Rewild your backyard.

  • Participants receive a resource kit with a checklist of action steps.

  • There is no pass or fail. Participants can take action as Aspiring Conservationists, or they can work their way towards the Master Conservationist. 

  • Upon completion of the Master Conservationist program, participants receive a framed certificate as well as a sign that recognizes their Backyard Rewilding achievements while promoting awareness.

  • Master Certificate participants will be officially recognized in our Annual Report and through our social outlets and potentially PR events. 

  • Participants at any level can get on the Homegrown National Park live map.

The Backyard Rewilding / CLC program allows anyone to easily have a direct impact from their backyards by taking simple steps to increase biodiversity and provide habitat for Maine’s native species. The program guides people to creating spaces for wildlife and allows them to do as much as they are comfortable with, helping them not only provide habitat for species, but also practicing soil and water conservation, controlling invasive species, and planning a landscape designed for ecosystem support. 

Steps to Rewild Your Backyard:

  1. Reduce lawn area, create no-mow areas, and raise mowing height.

  2. Plant native species, especially keystone species like Oak and Willow Trees.

  3. Remove invasive species.

  4. Use alternatives to chemicals such as seaweed compost.

  5. Turn off lights at night.

  6. Plant a pollinator garden.

Benefits of Backyard Rewilding

  • Increased habitat for wildlife

  • Improved soil and water conservation

  • Personal satisfaction and recognition

At Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District, we partner with you by providing personal guidance, handy checklists, and other resources that support your rewilding journey. Join the movement for biodiversity conservation. Get started by contacting us today: Call Hancock County Soil & Water Conservation District at 207-667-8663 or email us at

Resources to help you on your way

Contact us today to get involved with our Backyard Rewilding / CLC program:

Hancock County Soil & Water Conservation District | 207-667-8663 |

Contributor: Mark Whiting


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