Clean Water

Soil is the #1 pollutant in Maine’s lakes. Storm-water washes phosphorus-rich soil into lakes and ponds, too much phosphorus entering freshwater lakes and ponds over-feeds algae leading to a decrease in water clarity that is harmful to the lake’s health and your property value.

Participate in a current Watershed Protection Project:

Private Roads and Town Roads

  • Road Projects are typically eligible for cost-share reimbursements.

  • Typical projects include: ditch reshaping, road reshaping, culverts upgrades and & soil stabilization.

Residential Property

  • Landowners are eligible for cost-share reimbursement project costs, some projects can be completed at no cost to the landowner.

  • Typical projects include: Landscaping with native plants, Shoreline stabilization,  Protecting driveways from erosion

Learn more about Watershed Protection Projects 

Watershed Protection Projects are aimed at protecting your lake from polluted run off from land uphill. Soil and phosphorous pollution is the most common widespread threat to clean water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funds Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to operate Maine’s Watershed Protection Grant Program.  The Conservation District works with local volunteers to identify, prepare, and apply for watershed protection grants managed by Maine DEP. Grant funds support the installation of erosion-control practices designed to keep polluted storm-water runoff out of our water.